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February 25, 2009



Also, having babies during an economic downturn is an excellent way to get successful children. As explained in Malcom Gladwell's recent book Outliers, children born during bad economic times have less competition b/c everyone's too poor or depressed to procreate. So there's less competition to get into college, get on the good sports teams, etc. Your child will think he's so great, when really it's just that none of the competition was born.


I have been wanting to read that book...or any book by Malcolm Gladwell, as they all just seem so interesting. But unfortunately, I haven't yet gotten around to it b/c I spend all of my free time drinking wine and watching TMZ. I like the idea that kids born during depressions excel though...it means my little niece-to-be is totally going to kick ass on her softball team!

Excellent comment Skip!

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