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February 12, 2009



I am surprised to see The Road, an actual literary work, on the same list as a book by the author of those waste of time Twilight books. The Road is of course the only book on this list that I have read. From that I learned that really the thing to do in case of apocalypse is to kill yourself early before you're killed or enslaved by someone else. If you do it early enough, while there's still gasoline available, you can close yourself in the garage and die of carbon monoxide poisoning and the whole experience of apocalypse will be mostly pleasant.


Oh Skip...I bet you haven't even read Twilight. I vote you give it a decent chance. It will be totally worth it to you as you are slipping out of consiousness while succumbing to carbon monoxide poisoning. Do you really want to have your last thought to be of The Road? NO! You want it to be some sublime fantasy about a teenage vampire!

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