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February 13, 2009



While watching House Hunters count how many times the hunters say "this space would be great for entertaining."

Is that really a deciding factor? Is there something wrong with me since that thought never crossed my mind while shopping for a home?


I think that real estate agents are very good at identifying people's insecurities. The type of people on house hunters must all have very obvious social insecurities (this is painfully obvious) so the agent is probably thinking "I bet they have no friends and if I talk about how they can entertain then they will think 'Wow, if I buy this house, my life will change dramatically and I'll have tons of friends to invite over for dinner parties'." And so the agent is selling this fictitious lifestyle instead of a plain old house.

You have to have friends to have dinner parties and you have to be normal to have friends and for the most part, house hunters are not normal, so my guess is that all this entertaining the talk about is make believe.

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